''Dr. Baiju was unmistakably a 100 %''engaged ''medical doctor who really wanted to attain the flow state in his 
  daily job of curing  his poor patients in BaisonValley,Iddukki district in the east of kerala state in India.

THE EVENT ,which is the basis of this case study; really happened,on 25th January,2007,the year in which,
i have cancelled my visa from General Authority of Health Services Abudhabi and started THE DNA OF EXCELLENCE group.

It is almost eight years now but He REMAINS as a question mark in my thoughts-How can we avoid such
 a happening to another doc in similar situations ? In developing EQ as a Personality trait,{as a
 loading of the automated system within us when it is most wanted ,as the situation faced by dr. baiju}
i have been intent to formulate practical means & ways which can literally solve such practical problems we face in 
our  dedication in  medical field.

Still we did not come to that,  ok
 A patient blamed THIS  DOC of poisoning the medicine prescribed and given to him by dr.Baiju.He was sure about 
this medicine  and as an honest simple person,DR.Baiju  asked the patient to bring the medicine.The patient and
 his relatives''brought back'' the given medicine'' to  the doctor !
 To show that it is not poisonous,dr. baiju drank it on the spot perfectly believing the medical 
science which he practiced to cure,not to kill. BUT...   BUT.... IT HAPPENED immediate,that he fell down
 and lost memory. Inspite ofmany many  treatments,he got paralysed and laying down still without memory.The 
doctors later  identified the presence of organophosphorus amounted to this state, in him.

It happened eight years before,but think why's and how's,and how can we avoid harming ourselves in
 following dedicated,engaged,innovating career for the benefit of paining people ?
Even if it is given by oneself,when it is coming back ,be sure to confirm ,it is the same BEFORE USING IT.Very small EQ
application,but you will empathize with the paining mother of DR. BAJU NOW IN payippra,kerala. I never know ,
but came to know through media.

Apply EQ SKILLS ,dear friend DOC.S,WE are not ABOVE IT ..OK?

JOIN EVENTOF THE YEAR , OUR ” DNA 2015”-FIVE TRAININGS IN ONE EVENT ON MAY IN ABUDHABI&DUBAI-AT COCHIN IN JULY IS ALSO UPDATED AFTER OUR NEW EMPOWERMENT TRIP-join now with early bird discount. login:www.dnaofexcellence.org/event of the year